RAR 2026
Rider registration and briefing: 31st of January
Race start: 1st of February (morning)
Time limit & Finish party: 7th of February (evening)
off road
meters elevation
Start & Finish
hours to complete
- Race entry
- Route on gpx
- Live Tracking via GPS tracker, visible at racearoundrwanda.com/live
- Athlete musette with t-shirt, cap, safety card
- Rwandan SIM card with data loaded for 7 days
- Little gifts at every CP you reach in time
- Finisher gift
- Pre-race breakfast at 3h30am (at the start line)
- Access to all photos taken during the race
- Closing party
- Staff at the checkpoints and on the course in vehicles + doctor on call in case of emergencies
- Little booklet with our personal tips for experiencing Kigali (you’ll receive in January)
Race start and finish is at Tugende bike cafe in the center of Kigali. This is a 20 minute taxi drive away from the country’s only international airport.
Frequently Asked Questions
We will organize a bikepacking event the week before the race. Stayed tuned for more info!
All countries can receive a visa on entry to Rwanda, for members of African Union, Commonwealth and Francophonie, this is free of charge – others can pay at arrival in USD or with a Credit Card. Immigration link and further information is here.
Race Around Rwanda is a self-supported event. In the spirit of bikepacking races there are no real support vehicles. However, we will have organization cars following along the route, as well as a medical team at the checkpoints, ready for dispatch in case of serious accidents.
Participants should ensure that their medical insurance covers this type of event and country.
We advise that participants drink filtered or bottled water throughout their time in Rwanda. There are many places along the route to replenish your supplies. IF you are needing to drink from an alternative water source then do use your preferred bacterial filter and purification tablets.
Most of Rwanda is populated by humans and there are no large wild animal populations outside of the national park boundaries. There are monkeys in different areas of the country. Insects and mosquitoes can be a nuisance, especially at dusk and dawn in low marshy areas, so take the needed precaution with covering up and using repellent.
Rwanda doesn’t have a culture of ‘wild camping’ and although it is a safe country with low crime rates we advise that you seek out a bar, restaurant, hotel or campsite that will be able to support you during those needed naps. Many of these locations have provision of a walled garden/area. If you choose to rest at the side of the route then be aware you will likely have quite some attention (wanted or unwanted) from locals.
Race around Rwanda is organised by RaR Events Ltd., a Rwanda registered organisation, ran by a Brit and a Belgian living in Rwanda.
Matthew Brokenshire is always on the look out for an adventure….the longer and crazier the better! He swam the English channel and the straits of Gibraltar in the past, but currently spends most of his hours on the bike.
Originally from the UK Matt and his family have been in Rwanda since 2017.
Simon De Schutter has been cycling for all his life, and for the past 6 years mainly on Rwandan roads, on gravel bike, road bike or mountain bike. He is passionate about bringing this sport to the land of a thousand hills.
You carry it 😉 This is a self-supported race, which means you need to take everything with you (of course you can buy stuff in shops along the way). No luggage will be transported to any of the checkpoints, but we will provide storage space in Kigali (start and finish location) for your extra bags and bike boxes.
The next edition will start in the morning of February 2nd 2025
See our ‘rules’ page
There definitely will be, on the night of Saturday!
You need to be at least 18 years of age at the day of the race start, and sign a note stating you are physically fit. You will also need to be able to show proof of insurance.
A big hug from the organizers.
Yes, you will be provided with a GPS tracker, and a livetracking page will be on our website for all who wish to follow the race online.
This is a self supported race. This means: no drafting, no support cars, not accepting any help offered by supporters, and fixing your own bike in case of mechanicals. Everyone can make use of all commercially available services such as hotels, restaurants or local bike mechanics.
If you ask us: this is a race for gravel bikes with tires of 35mm or more. But we’ve heard people on MTBs who were very happy with their choice too.
See our ‘about Rwanda’ page
- Local Sim Card with 4g functionality (works on 99% of the route)
- Luggage storage during the race
- Discounts at partnering hotel in Kigali
- Pre-race breakfast
- Rental of GPS tracker & real-time live tracking
- GPX file of the route
- Food and lodging at selected check points
- Race goodies (incl. T-shirt, race cap, Rwandan gifts)
- Finisher award
- HD versions of pictures taken by our photographers
- Finisher party
The race starts at 5am on Sunday with a time limit of 159 hours, which means you have to be back in Kigali by the finish party on Saturday (6 days and 15 hours later), cut off times for each CP will be published later.
If you don’t make a cut off time, of course you are allowed to finish the course on your own pace, you will still receive a finish in the ranking, although with an OTL.